August 22, 2009


I know I have been completely slacking on getting a new blog posted. Things have been hectic - between having guests (my sister-in-law and my mom) and the arrival of Ender. We are already getting into a decent routine and I know things will only continue to get better when it's just the 3 of us. It has been really nice to have family come and help out. Jana, my sis-in-law, was able to come down for Ender's birth and to stay with us for a couple of days... then this past Friday, my mom flew in from California. She has been staying with us and will be going home tomorrow morning. I will be posting some pictures - both here and on Facebook - along with his birth story. I just wanted to write a brief something! =)

For now:
  • He weighed 8 pounds and 14 ounces, 22 inches long. He came home at 8 lbs, 6 oz but I think he has already regained that weight. I need to take him to the doctor this upcoming week just to be sure.
  • He was born on his due date - August 10th - which was pretty neat.
  • I was in active labor from Sunday evening (my water broke around 7:30ish) until he was born at 9:51am on Monday. It was a LONG weekend...
  • He nurses very well.
  • While in the hospital, he had to have his sugar checked before every feeding. They said it was because he was big for his gestational age, but I think he's just perfect. =)
  • He looks like me but has many of ScottE's facial expressions.
  • He sleeps very well - usually from about 9pm until anywhere from 2-4am. The only problem with that is ScottE and I stay up too late and don't get to bed until he's about to wake up again! But usually I just feed and change him and he goes back to sleep and so do I!
  • He likes to pee on Mommy... just today, I was at the mall with my mom. We had to stop in JCPenney to change his diaper. After wiping up all his poop, he decided to pee all over me! I just chaulked it up to being a mommy to a newborn boy! I'm beginning to learn we need to keep that hose covered! =)

So... that's been our adjustment period. I know things will only continue to get easier/harder, more and less organized. I will be writing his birth story at some point over the next week as things will be calming down and I will be home alone... So for now, that's what's going on! =)