While not a whole lot has changed, I've been wanting to take the time to blog on a more regular basis. I need to get into the habit now otherwise it's going to be very difficult after Ender is born! I still haven't been able to get ScottE to take any pictures of my belly. Hopefully we can get some done this week.
All about baby
I don't think I've ever seen a more active baby inutero! He pushes on me constantly. It seems his favorite position is to stick his head out my lower left side and put his back/bum out the right side of my ribs. It can get to be incredibly uncomfortable at times! He also likes to push on my ribs and hip bones. ScottE asked me just the other day if I was still willing to do it all over again so we could have more children. I can't help but smile... because it's been a pretty easy pregnancy! I'm a little worried to discover how labor will go because things have been so easy so far, but if this is what it's all about - I could do it a million times! Aside from being slightly uncomfortable, the minor back pain and the swollen feet, I have no other complaints! I guess we'll have to see how he behaves when he gets here... can't believe it's coming up so quickly! Only 5 more weeks...
His room is still a disaster area. We have a bunch of clothes spread out all over the floor. I'm hoping to get the "new" clothes washed today so I can start putting things away. Hopefully, ScottE can get his crib put together and it will actually begin to resemble a room! It's not as bad as our spare room was back in CA, but it does look a bit like a storage room right now. I just hope I can keep my energy up enough to get everything done!
My next doctor's appointment is on the 6th. I'm not looking forward to this one as I have to get my Group B Strep test done. I know they will be starting the internal exams soon and I'm not looking forward to those either. I guess it's just part of the price we pay to bring babies into this world!
Plans for the 4th
Jana and Tyler are planning to come down for the 4th of July! ScottE and I are both very excited. This will be our first family visit since the move. It's going to be so nice having family here... We have some minor child proofing to do before they get here. I'm not overly worried about it though because the children are well behaved. We simply have to communicate with them! Their visit is another reason I need to get a lot of things done on Ender's room. They are planning to come down on Thursday night. Jana has offered to help with the stuff that I can't do, so it should be a really fun and productive visit. We are planning a big bbq on Saturday after watching a parade or something downtown. I hope the children are as excited as we adults are!
Our TV
I don't think I have mentioned this to anyone! Shortly after the move, we started having issues with our tv. Basically, we were seeing red pixels in some of the dark spots and the faces would appear a little weird. We called Best Buy about the warranty and they said they would send someone out. Apparently they didn't give the technicians the right phone number and they never showed up. I called Best Buy a week or so later, and they did some minor troubleshooting over the phone. Those suggestions didn't work. So I called again and they finally sent someone out. The techs got here and basically told me we had an LCD panel out. They knew they wouldn't be able to get the part so they sent the work order in to Best Buy. I called them the following week and was told they would process the work order. Basically they were going to look for the part and if they could get it, they would send the tech out again to fix it. If not, we would get a confirmation number for an exchange. The service company has since called me and said we would be getting an exchange. We have yet to receive the confirmation, but are hoping to get it soon - it should arrive sometime today or tomorrow. Then, ScottE suggested we get credit for the tv we have now and then put some extra money on top of it and get a bigger one. When I asked customer service about this, essentially it's up to the store where we do the exchange. But that's what we're hoping for! We are also hoping we can get this done before Jana and Tyler get here. Right now our tv is sitting on the floor with a bunch of wires everywhere. ScottE doesn't want to drill into the wall until we know what we are going to be doing for sure. Can't wait to find out! It's very much time for an upgrade!
More plans:
The next few days are going to be pretty busy for me. I have a lot to do around the house to get it ready for our visitors. I also have a lot of shopping to do! We have this really awesome Farmer's Market every Tuesday and I'm planning to get a bunch of stuff there tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be very busy and I'm going to be on my feet most of the day. I just hope it's not too hot! The humidity here is killer for my feet and my hands.
A sister in our ward allowed me to borrow her vacuum so I need to get most of that done today. There is just so much to do! And what am I doing? Sitting at my computer!! How silly can you be? Anyway... I should probably get back to working on the house. I have some boxes to go through as well as a TON of laundry. I will definitely be posting something after this weekend... or at the very least after my doctor's appointment.