January 2, 2012

Cooking and Writing Inspiration

I've been inspired ;-) I have always talked about Julie & Julia as an inspiration for my writing. As I sit here watching it, all I can think about is what I want to write. So here I am, writing to the blogosphere and wondering how many people actually read all of the goofy stuff I write about... Anyway... One thing I have really been working on for the past few weeks is cooking on a more regular basis. Not just because it's healthier, but also because it's cheaper. Things are getting to be tight because of our unpredictable income, but I am trying to deal as best I can.

I've developed a menu and we are doing a regular rotation. We have two weekly menus that I am working through and then I've been doing a week of new recipes too. I forgot how much I love cooking! I don't consider myself a chef, or even a foodie, but I love spending time in the kitchen - and I love cooking on a gas stove again! I will definitely continue to maintain our menus and add new recipes on occasion for something new and fresh. Our rotation includes: pepperoncini beef, garlic chicken, biscuits and gravy with eggs, French bread pizza, chicken costa brava, pot roast with carrots and taters, Mac & cheese, chicken Alfredo, tater-tot casserole, enchiladas, and lasagna with a few others for filler. I have yet to plan a left-over night, which will be important with all of the food I've been making! Wish us luck...

I definitely will not be cooking my way through Julia Child's cookbook, but I will be writing about our cooking adventures and how our new menu setup is working out.
