January 30, 2012


Crochet was something I learned when I was in junior high. I never really got into it much, partly because I forgot a lot of what I learned and partly because I didn't see much of an application for the skill. Boy was I wrong! I love to crochet! Last Christmas my mom got me this awesome book full of all kinds of stitches. Then last night she directed me to ravelry.com. Beautiful stuff! And now I feel so inspired!

I had made the decision a few days ago that I would make scarves for all of my cousins/sisters back home in California. I am really excited about this project now! I found some really gorgeous patterns that look pretty simple and I should be able to complete everything pretty quickly!

Yay me!! ;-)

I will post pictures as the scarves are completed and mailed. So looking forward to this! ;-)

January 28, 2012

I just might be a Redneck…

Brad Paisley... One of my most favorite country stars has captured my heart once more. With which song do you ask? He has so many that I love and are dear to my heart, but none so much as his new single "Camouflage." He speaks of the irresistibleness of camo to a redneck girl and I truly cannot resist! The last few times I've had to make a spur of the moment clothes buy for Ender (due to an unexpected and unplanned for blow-out crazy diaper), I will often search for camo pants or shorts. I carry a Camo purse (which doubles as a diaper bag). I made my boy a hat out of camo yarn. I can't resist!!

So does that make me a "redneck girl?" Please tell me Brad... or any one??

January 26, 2012

A Texas Truck

I have always been proud of the fact that I was born in Texas. I was definitely raised in California, but I loved that I was born in another state. Don't know why, but I remember feeling that way ever since I was told that I had been born in Austin, Texas. The Capitol of the world, don't you know?

I was recently offered a position to help out a family friend - or actually the mother in law of ScottE's boss/business partner. She is elderly and in need of chauffeuring and home clean up assistance. With the relative small amount that I have to do on a regular basis, I have been more than happy to help out. Especially since they bought me a car!! Crazy, I know, but her husband wanted her to have something that she could get in and out of without too much effort, that got decent fuel mileage and would be dependable. He settled on an '08 Trailblazer. Not this Ford girl's first choice, but I'll take it! ;-)

So where does Texas come in? Well, Mr. Davis is currently working in the great state of Texas. He and his wife have an address down there and have registered the Trailblazer in Texas. So I have Texas plates! Isn't that cool?

January 4, 2012

Feeling Better

It's been a couple of days since I took the time to write anything. I have been feeling the effects. I've been making a conscious effort to write a little something every day. I have just now taken the time to sit down and post anything(!), but I can feel a difference in just writing things for myself...

Anyway. I've been more than a little upset lately. Not really sure why that is. I think it's mostly because of the new lack of routine. I am trying to get at least me and Ender back on some kind of regime but it's been hard. I enjoy spending time with ScottE but I need to get my stuff done too, with or without him. I just need to suck it up and do things on my own again.

School is back in session and I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm having a hard time getting into this class for some reason. Wish me luck there!

I've been praying every day and am starting to feel a major difference. It's been a little tough to get to it because we've been staying up way too late (1 - 2 am most nights); another part of our routine that I'm striving to change this year. My aim is 11pm, but we'll have to see how that works out ;-)

Until next time!

January 2, 2012

Cooking and Writing Inspiration

I've been inspired ;-) I have always talked about Julie & Julia as an inspiration for my writing. As I sit here watching it, all I can think about is what I want to write. So here I am, writing to the blogosphere and wondering how many people actually read all of the goofy stuff I write about... Anyway... One thing I have really been working on for the past few weeks is cooking on a more regular basis. Not just because it's healthier, but also because it's cheaper. Things are getting to be tight because of our unpredictable income, but I am trying to deal as best I can.

I've developed a menu and we are doing a regular rotation. We have two weekly menus that I am working through and then I've been doing a week of new recipes too. I forgot how much I love cooking! I don't consider myself a chef, or even a foodie, but I love spending time in the kitchen - and I love cooking on a gas stove again! I will definitely continue to maintain our menus and add new recipes on occasion for something new and fresh. Our rotation includes: pepperoncini beef, garlic chicken, biscuits and gravy with eggs, French bread pizza, chicken costa brava, pot roast with carrots and taters, Mac & cheese, chicken Alfredo, tater-tot casserole, enchiladas, and lasagna with a few others for filler. I have yet to plan a left-over night, which will be important with all of the food I've been making! Wish us luck...

I definitely will not be cooking my way through Julia Child's cookbook, but I will be writing about our cooking adventures and how our new menu setup is working out.


January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012

Another year has come and gone. I've made myself, and others promises, always with the intention of keeping them and then let everyone down. 2012 is going to be different. I am going to force myself to make good habits, to be better in so many ways. This is my year for change. There are so many things I want to change and I'm hoping that by getting this out there, that it will be easier and more likely to follow through. Pray for me as I will pray that those I know and love will achieve their goals in the coming year.
Happy New Year!! Welcome 2012 ;-)