I promised myself I would write more and here it is nearly the end of January and I have yet to post anything! I will be making a much better effort to not let things go for so long from now on!!
Ender's first Thanksgiving
Since we don't really have any family close by, ScottE and I decided to drive up to see Jana (ScottE's older sister who lives here in PA too – for those who don't know) and her family in northern PA. It's about a 3 hour drive for us, but well worth it. We had a good time helping out with different things.
ScottE, being the awesome brother he is, worked on Jana and Ty's car. However, we did not bring adequate tools for the job(s) he was performing. I suppose you could say we weren't exactly planning on him doing all that much work on the Explorer. So, he was out in the garage alone because it was too cold for me and Ender to be out there with him. Fortunately, Jana happened to be outside when it happened... but the truck fell on ScottE!! Jana came running in the house to get me and Ty to help do whatever we could. The three of us worked together and were able to get the truck lifted up enough to get it off of ScottE's chest. I was unsure of what to do and I was scared ScottE was really hurt. Fortunately, he was not. He had some major pain in his chest for some time. He took an extra day off of work because of it, but for the most part he is okay. Any time after that, I made sure someone was with him!
Thanksgiving dinner was delightful. I provided homemade cranberry sauce, candied yams, green beans with bacon and Severson creamed corn. It was nice to contribute so much this year. ScottE keeps wanting to have our own thanksgiving feast, but it's a lot of work for only a couple of people! Anyway... we all talked about what we were thankful for and got to know each other a little better that way. I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know Jana better... I feel nearly as close to Jana as I did to Jess when we were out in Cali. It is nice having family close – even if they are 3 hours away. =)
Thanksgiving... Hanging out with Daddy - smilin' =)
Ender's first snow
When we got home from Jana's, we got to experience our first real snow! ScottE got the great idea to go for a walk out in the snow, so we bundled all of us up – the dogs included. We put this adorable snow suit on Ender. We took the dogs out with us and put Ender in his stroller. The girls seemed to have a lot of fun. It's hilarious to see them jumping around in the snow. Ender seemed to be okay with the whole situation. You know how I know? He fell sleep in the stroller! I was semi-expecting him to get upset, but it just proves, once again what an awesome little man he is.
Ender in his snow suit and our complex covered in snow!
Ender's first plane ride
Ender and I got to go home to Cali for Christmas. I was a little worried about the traffic and dealing with a lot of people at the airport. It is surprising how helpful people will be when you are seemingly a single parent. People were constantly asking if I needed anything – a place to sit or help carrying stuff. I was independent and did things myself, but it was nice having the offer.
Originally, I had planned to keep Ender in our baby backpack for most of the trip. Come to find out, you can't leave the infant in the pack during take-off and landing. So, what's the point? Once I got onto the plane, I kept him out of it until our arrival. Even then, he wasn't really in it that much because I was also carrying a backpack with a ton of stuff in it. Needless to say, my shoulders were pretty tired after our trip.
Ender did really well on the plane. I was expecting some kind of issue during at least take-off and/or landing. But he slept through almost all of each flight! On our way out, we had a brief stop in Salt Lake. I took Ender off the plane so we could at least get off the plane and stretch for a bit. It was a bit of a pain getting back on but I was grateful when we landed in Sacramento.
My mom and sister picked us up. We didn't get home until late... and I'm surprised Ender wasn't more cranky. He had a bit of a meltdown in the car on the way to Mom's house, but I took a little time and fed him and we were back on the road. He is such an awesome baby...
Ender's first Christmas
Christmas was very bittersweet for me this year. I really enjoyed being home with all of my family and getting to see everyone's reactions when they met Ender for the first time. However, it was hard because ScottE wasn't with us. We simply couldn't afford the plane ticket. We are planning better for next year!
Anyway... Ender wasn't too excited about opening presents or anything like that. He is, after all, only 5 months old (although only 4½ at Christmastime). We got a lot of clothes for him, for which I am very grateful. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get everything packed in my duffel bag, backpack and new purse that I got from mom for Christmas. Luckily, Mom and Heath were willing to ship the things I was unable to fit (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!).
Ender also got a haircut on Christmas day! My camera died so I don't have any pictures yet. I had some family members take some pictures and I'm hoping to receive them soon.
Hanging out with Aunt Jo (above) and Uncle Ray (below) on Christmas Day
Spending time with Nana and Kevin the day after Christmas
Ender's first New Year
Our New Year was pretty uneventful. ScottE and I just hung out here at the house together and watched a couple of movies. Ender wouldn't be able stay up 'til midnight anyway!
Ender's second round of shots
I think that pretty much catches us up to present day. Last Thursday, I took Ender to the doctor. He got 3 shots and some kind of oral vaccine. He did pretty well – but by that third shot he was pretty upset. I picked him up and bounced him a little, ssh-ed him and he calmed right down. He now officially weighs 15 pounds, 10 ounces and measures 26½ inches – but who knows how much has changed since then! His next appointment is mid-February.
Cori's first degree
Well... we discussed all of Ender's firsts – now it's time for one of mine! I recently received my Associate's degree in Psychology! I was really excited to receive the actual degree in the mail. It is such an incredible feeling. I feel so accomplished. I wish I were done with school, but as of now, if I stay on schedule, I should be teaching soon – fall of 2012. I'm not sure what we're going to do with Ender as of yet, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I may look into charter schools or something like that so I can stay home.
My degree!
What else is going on...
Many asked me while I was in Cali, if my best friend, Laura, had moved out to PA yet. As many of you know already, no, she's not here yet. She's had some things she needs to take care of before she can move. As of now, she's hoping to be able to move with her tax return money. So, it's a waiting game right now...
Things with Tanknology are going well. ScottE has been having some issues with his truck. It keeps tearing through belts. He is supposed to be on his way home now, but his truck just broke the serpentine belt, again. He recently had the alternator replaced, but there is no telling what's going on. But other than the truck problems, things are good. ScottE couldn't be happier with his Ops manager and the office treats him really well out here. He's finally getting to the point of not wanting to be working when he comes home though (all that darn paperwork!). I think you could officially say he's burned-out. We're looking into other options, but for now, Tanknology is paying the bills.
One of my resolutions this year is to write more. Whether it actually gets posted or not is yet to be decided. However, I know I feel better about everything when I write. I don't realize how much I have bottled up inside until I sit down and put the proverbial pen to paper. I hope you all enjoy what I have to say... and the pictures too! =)
Also while in Cali, I was afforded the opportunity to learn how to knit. My Mom took me to her knitting store and I got to take a lesson from the owner there. I really like to knit! I have only finished one project but I've been otherwise occupied by reading and spending time with my boys. I'm hoping to finish more projects and as I do, I will keep you updated!
My hat!!
For now... I think that's all. There is so much more that I want to write about. I think for now, this is a sufficient update. =)