June 22, 2009


I have finally decided it is time to actually use this thing! It is taking some getting used to... so please, bear with me.

All about baby / pregnancy
As many may or may not know, we are having a boy! ScottE and I could not be more excited... he has been a very active baby. This past week (last Tuesday), I had a doctor's appointment. Everything looks perfect - he is measuring to be on-time and I haven't gained too much weight. His heartbeat is spot on (within the 140s) and he is already head down! I told ScottE and he got all excited. He seems to think that because he is head down, Ender will be here soon. I have reassured him that this is definitely a good thing but doesn't really mean anything yet.

The pregnancy has been pretty easy. I am, however, starting to be more and more uncomfortable as well as tired. This past Saturday, ScottE and I went to the mall and my feet were so swollen. I am so fortunate to have a caring husband - he offered to wheel me around in a wheelchair! At first I was hesitant because I know I need my exercise too, but he insisted. I felt so much better sitting there and we were able to cover a lot more ground a lot more quickly. I know the humidity here in PA is not going to help with the swelling as summer progresses, but the countdown is definitely on!

Looking back on everything that has happened over the past few months, I can't believe my due date is so close. I knew once we moved to PA things would progress a lot faster and it would be here before I knew it. Now, it's only 7 weeks until my due date and I am just not ready! I have a lot I need to do on his room and around the house before then. I just don't know how I'm going to get it all done with the energy level I have these days. ScottE needs to put together his crib still, but we have a bassinet as well which he will sleep in for the first couple months. We have time, I'm just in a bit of a nesting phase I guess.

The house and the puppies
Everything is really coming together! I still have a few boxes which I need to go through and really decide if we need to keep all of the stuff in them or not. I know a lot of it can go down in our garage (it is so nice to have an actual garage and not just a room which we call the garage!). ScottE's dresser has filled up faster than I thought it would... we may need to get him a new one sooner rather than later. Our bathrooms have close to no storage space. We have been thinking about getting a vanity for in our bedroom. Not entirely sure how things will work out, but our apartment is slowly becoming a home.

We still don't have ScottE's truck from CA. This is very frustrating because all of our lamps were on his truck - along with our vacuum! I have been thinking about asking someone in our new ward if we could borrow one. Having two dogs makes a big mess - plus I shed like crazy myself! What are we going to do?

The puppies have actually adjusted rather well to life in PA. However, our little one, Halcyon has been having some potty issues. She doesn't always like to let us know when she needs to go. ScottE is ready to get rid of her because he doesn't want Ender crawling around the house and discovering poop. I can't blame him, but she's my baby too! I know Ender comes first and that's all that really matters. I just hope she can get to a point where she tells us she needs to go instead of just going in the house. I try to take them out pretty often, but it doesn't always work out the best. Wish us luck though... I don't want to lose her!

ScottE's work
Fortunately, I think most of his staying away from home is over - at least until Ender is born. The first few weeks we were here, ScottE was gone most of the time. He worked up in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York. He told his OPS Manager last week he needed to be close to home. He has also told them if he is more than 2 hours away and I go into labor, he will be leaving the site as is, close it up (of course) no matter how much testing he has left. They seem to be pretty understanding about the whole thing, but we'll see how that goes.

He seems to really enjoy working out here. He really likes his new OPS Manager - mostly because he actually listens to ScottE! Miracle of miracles!!

Our new ward
Our new ward has been wonderful! They have been very helpful with getting us all of the information we need for the baby and we have gotten so much stuff! Saturday, they had a swap meet at the church. We got 3 boxes of clothes, a box of toys, a batheing thingy, a changing table, and a couple other things for the house! We were both very excited for all of the stuff we got. Plus, a couple of the sisters are throwing me another baby shower! I am so spoiled! =)

School has been going really well. By the beginning of November, I will have my Associate's degree! I am so very excited!! Then, beginning in December, I will be starting on my Bachelor's! I have decided to just get my credential in Elementary Education because the University of Phoenix does not have an English program (as I want to be an English teacher). I was pretty bummed but this will make me more marketable. Just in case we move somewhere who is not looking for an English teacher, I will have experience in elementary teaching. Plus, who knows, I may end up liking it!

I think that is really all for now. I will be updating after each doctor's appointment and then of course after Ender's birth.